Coming of age: slutting it up.

 There is this mentality people have that if you clock 21 or you get admitted into the

you have a taste of freedom, you are finally out of your parent hawk eyes, well LEMME shock you it's partly true, but the thing is you are moving from frying pan to fire if you have that mindset.
     Life does not come with a long list of instructions stating what to do and what not do, it's will be up to you to continue on the path unto which will either make you or mare you and trust me O BOY Its THAT HARD!!, there is no jumoke made me do it because it is you as an individual that will bear the consequences of that jumokes advice, you have to start learning how to make simple reasonable decisions by yourself, decision making is everything an "adult" has to do from every waking moment of his/her life,  what to eat, should I go to work today, what will I wear, how do I react to this situation, how much do I save, every decision you make counts.
      On the issue of the pocket you may want to put a halt on all your OPERATION ESCAPE FROM PARENTS HOUSE PLAN. My brothers and sisters that "TURN UP" every Friday and buy the house, I heard there is a new club in town it's called SAVINGS CLUB.
       seriously I wonder why people spend thousands of currency at a club or a bar, 300k for V. I. P table, 15k bottle of wine, 10k uber, 50k hotel lounge money for the weekend, minus money for cloth and shoes, oh never mind you will borrow shirt from Jaden and shoes from Kigali, haba and you know you will go to club at least about twice in 3 months. Chai and one bag if cement is how much? 1.5K AHHHHH, me am not blaming you oh, it's too much money, but if you keep that money you will have something to fall back on when your "period of freedom comes".

    If you are not thoroughly baked into adulthood things may go wrong for you, so we have learnt two things today DECISION MAKING AND SAVING CULTURE.



Sexual Abuse.

Side Chick.