Siblings our necessary evil.

The fault in our younger brothers

Sweat dripped off my body as the only image in my head was of me soaking in the tub, i finished up
my daily exercise routine in the basement, only for me to be side tracked by my brother who i told to stop watching NBA national competition on the t.v by 8:17am, we argued over who got to use the bathroom first, he entered the tub and i sat on the toilet seat, after waiting there for 30min i decided to be the bigger one and leave the bathroom in order for him to have his bath.

As if it was not enough i had to call him back to clean after himself (the toilet seat was filled with you know what) ahhh brothers they eat all the food in the house, pee on the toilet seat,use your
toothbrush, play dirty pranks on us, sit down in front of a mountain of food while holding a game pad, have a roman feast with their friends while u remain the entertaining slave, pull your braids out, lazy around not doing anything, and least of all leave a hill of plates and pots in their wake.

But dont we just love them.



Sexual Abuse.

Side Chick.