why i did it i don't know,

         The thing about lies is when you tell a tale you suddenly start to feel confused, did it really happened or did i just make  it up?, lies eat up your soul, it confuses reality with illusions.
most people say people tell lies for different reasons to gain attention, respect, audience, friends, to feel among, to have things to say, to cover up your steps blah blah blah, but what if lying becomes your second skin, what if it falls out your mouth even before you meant to say it, you just open your mouth and it falls out and after that precious moment passes you close our mouth and begin to ponder asking yourself the big question WHY?.

   Oh but it's just a lie it will pass! until the day David walks up to you to confirm what you had told Jessica 2 weeks back, then in order to cover up your tracks you tell another lie, leading to multiplication of lies which keeps on piling and piling until the day for laundry comes and the very bleach of life THE TRUTH comes out. According to Abraham lincoln no man has a good memory to be a good liar so you will always be caught at your game.

          I cant stop lying its not my fault it has eaten deep into me my dear the economy of china did not rise in a day, neither did the currency value of  Nigeria fall in one day, you need to start with the little things like reducing the way you talk, some people even go to the extent of swearing on all sort of things but really is it worth it, avoid people who will "whine" you in order to hear sweet stories about the "snail of valour" , process what you say before spitting it out, when talking to people dont look for a way to package or spice the incident, dont talk on impulse you will regret it, anytime you feel the urge to lie you can write the lie down on a notepad or your phone and review it.

As you take these steps the world is reassured of the trust of one more person.



Sexual Abuse.

Side Chick.