Boy of my dreams.

My crush my crush
he has this beautiful smile, from a sweet small mouth on a chocolate fountain of beauty,

My crush, my crush
my womb
clenches and I can't help but smile when I see him, he reminds me of this small cute little dog I had.

My crush my crush
Sits with me in silence and looks on, always trying to impress this heavy giant,

My crush,my crush
Always with a cup, and enlarged iris,agile and swift.
Yes he is on top of the world almost invisible.

My crush, my crush
He makes me cry and scream deep into my pillow at night when I find him in dark corner's in the embrace of another.

My crush, my crush
He pinches me secretly when no one is watching, and gives me longing glances with that same cute smile that got me attracted to the chocolate fountain.



Sexual Abuse.

Side Chick.