This story was translated with the aid of an interpreter who acted as a middle man between I and Eliza, 
          I stared on as Eliza screamed, the frail looking child of 2 and half years of age which she suckled held on to her breast with her teeth

and hand's pulling like her life depended on it, a boy of about three years was also standing nearby crying "mama" as she wiped a tear with the end of her wrapper, looking downward I saw a napkin housing a very big sore on Eliza's leg, my first human instinct was to puke but I held myself together.
       Eliza is a very beautiful,black woman who was married off at a tender age of 16 to a high chief of her community as the most pretty girl in the village, within three years of the marriage or should I say "bondage" she had two children for the chief who presently has lost interest in the loose space between her thighs.
           On the way from fetching firewood on a fateful day, Eliza was bitten by a dog, she entered the village limping and she rushed to the village healer who applied a concussion to the wound. Apparently it didn't work as the wound expanded and started giving off an offensive odor, after two weeks of smelling she was fortunate to meet help some missionaries who was passing through the village, she immediately received medical care as well as a small token to keep her going for a little while.

 I was on a community service call when I met Eliza, this is her story, we should all be grateful for the opportunities we have, as for all those out there who believe selling out a child is the way to make them mature or see it as an avenue to get fame and fortune, i hope you wont want your loved child to end up like Eliza so have a change of mind.

By the way the picture was depicted by TOLU RAYMOND.



Sexual Abuse.

Side Chick.