Child hawking in Lagos state.

On a faithful night I was coming from a friend's place, I met a girl sitting by the side of the road crying,

few steps ahead, I saw her spilled wares, I walked up to her and asked her what the problem was she cried more and told me she could not go home because her mother would kill her and the distance from where I met her to her house is very far and unsafe for females at night, I had no choice but to give her the little I had with me, though it was not enough.
         If you walk the street of Lagos, you find children of ages 6-17 Hawking wares while their so called parents sit home waiting for the returns of the day, many children have lost their lives due to the mindset of "mummy will kill me if I don't finish selling this wares" or "I will not eat when I get back home". It is shocking to see a child of 6 years with a tray twice his/her size balanced on the head.

     If the children don't finish selling the wares definitely they will have to result to other means to get the money even if it means stealing, pickpocketing or even prostituting. Come to think of it I don't think most able bodied parents who send their children on a Hawking venture think of the disadvantage of this act. This is an area which the government need to focus on.



Sexual Abuse.

Side Chick.