Have that talk

Hey guys, my friend decided to contribute a little something:

     In every relationship with the people we meet or people already in our lives, communication is a key player. Many times when there is no free flow of communication we often feel the SHIP of our RELATION with people called our loved ones, spouse,friends, co-worker and family is wrecking gradually and progressively, this is where we often channel our thoughts to, but come to think of it. Perhaps we don't have words or eventful moment to share, what do we do?... Should we go ahead with words and not make them colorful and young again? As a student of life I object to the continuity of a diminishing communication which lost it value in the heart of men and women who always and will continue to waste words on the platform of communication. You don't have to talk always, other times you just observe and develop the art of communication. Not having one thing or the other to say all the time, will help boost your value on the platform of suggestion and your communication skills is enhanced. Hence, your conversation with people becomes a memory and your words turns thought.... Finally,communication is glorified. Communication space in relationship is not employed to break things but to add value.

Elite-Tee's desk



Sexual Abuse.

Side Chick.